first we have to do 0.25 press square root button 13 times it will get 0.99983078893 then subtract 1

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Rishi Arora, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Rishi Arora

    Rishi Arora New Member

    first we have to do 0.25 press square root button 13 times it will get 0.99983078893 then subtract 1 then divide number of roots like in our case 6 then add 1 after that we have to press "X" button 13 times after get answer 0.7937
  2. K Hemnath Aswin

    K Hemnath Aswin New Member

    We do not have square root option in ordinary calculator
  3. Rishi Arora

    Rishi Arora New Member

    This button press 13times after that subtract number 1 then divide by 6 then add number 1 then press multiplication button 13 times then get answer
  4. Rohit Tiwari

    Rohit Tiwari New Member

    But after multiplying 13 times answer is not achievable, pl explain...
  5. Rishi Arora

    Rishi Arora New Member

    If you not get then press multiplication button and = button simultaneously
  6. Manmohan Gupta

    Manmohan Gupta New Member

    If it is a diff no. Instead of 6 then how to calculate how many times??
  7. Forsaken

    Forsaken New Member

    Aftet getting .99997179816 press multiply button then press = symbol , not simultaneously press the buttons. U will get the answer
  8. Forsaken

    Forsaken New Member

    Like this u have to press multiply button and = button each 13 times
  9. Forsaken

    Forsaken New Member

    Instead of using 13 power v can also get the ans using 10 power also
  10. Jeremy

    Jeremy New Member

    Got is but ans is 0.7936 nd as calculation it is coming as 0.99960524655. Pls guide
  11. Rishi Arora

    Rishi Arora New Member

    After this you have to press multiple button and = button press simultaneously 13 times. After that you will get answer. Try I got.
  12. Vaisakhan Vs

    Vaisakhan Vs New Member

    u can press 12,13,14,15 or upto 19 times... but the close approximate answer will come when we press 12 times
  13. Rishi Arora

    Rishi Arora New Member

    Only 13 times it will get answer 0.7937. not do more times.

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