first we have to do 0.25 press square root button 13 times it will get 0.99983078893 then subtract 1 then divide number of roots like in our case 6 then add 1 after that we have to press "X" button 13 times after get answer 0.7937
This button press 13times after that subtract number 1 then divide by 6 then add number 1 then press multiplication button 13 times then get answer
Aftet getting .99997179816 press multiply button then press = symbol , not simultaneously press the buttons. U will get the answer
After this you have to press multiple button and = button press simultaneously 13 times. After that you will get answer. Try I got.
u can press 12,13,14,15 or upto 19 times... but the close approximate answer will come when we press 12 times