Interview dates declared, please mention date and place.

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Shaurya Singh, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Shaurya Singh

    Shaurya Singh New Member

    Interview dates declared, please mention date and place.
  2. Aakash Nagar

    Aakash Nagar New Member

    I have also not received any mail and by what time do we need to send all the documents. It has mentioned 7 days on the site.
  3. Dheeraj Dhankar

    Dheeraj Dhankar New Member

    @Udit Shukla You are one of the early birds..:) Is it like thy start interview from Delhi centre and then travel to other places.
  4. best of luck mukesh ., u dont need luck ..bcoz u have talent . Aut thats all i can give do your best
  5. Deepak Singla

    Deepak Singla New Member


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