need - survival kinds of thing,,like food / water / air etc .wants - necessity of personn,, like cl

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Rohit Tiwari, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Rohit Tiwari

    Rohit Tiwari New Member

    need - survival kinds of thing,,like food / water / air etc .wants - necessity of personn,, like cloth /education / good food /house etc .desire- it is higher exception like Car / high stander live etc.... this all thing is also change according to person position and income status ....
  2. Sathya Appu

    Sathya Appu New Member

    Need - basic necessities of life for survival like water, food shelter. Want- option available for satisfying the need i.e. Coca cola or water in case of thirst. Demand - demand is want backed up by buying power of the customer like demand of beer when thirsty. ;)
  3. Rohit Tiwari

    Rohit Tiwari New Member

    Suppose u are hungry ur need is food in food u want to eat pizza that is ur want to eat piza u want to sit in good reaustrant for good quality that is ur desire

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