The concept of bancassurance rooted from 1) china 2) japan 3) france 4) Russia 5) india

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Rashmi Roy, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Rashmi Roy

    Rashmi Roy New Member

    The concept of bancassurance rooted from 1) china 2) japan 3) france 4) Russia 5) india
  2. Aarohi Kayal

    Aarohi Kayal New Member

    c) Welcome to Bancassurance. Bancassurance - a term coined by combining the two wordsbank and insurance (in French) - connotes distribution of insurance products through bankingchannels. Bancassurance encompasses terms such as `Allfinanz' (in German), `IntegratedFinancial Services' and `Assurebanking'. This concept gained currency in the growing globalinsurance industry and its search for new channels of distribution. Banks, with theirgeographical spread and penetration in terms of customer reach of all segments, haveemerged as viable sources for the distribution of insurance products. Presently, thereĆ­s moreactivity here than anywhere else. And every one wants to jump onto the bandwagon for apiece of the action cake.

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