1. What are haircuts in the Indian banking system?A haircut is the difference between the loan amoun

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Prateek Sharma, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Prateek Sharma

    Prateek Sharma New Member

    1. What are haircuts in the Indian banking system?A haircut is the difference between the loan amount and the actual value of the asset used as collateral. It reflects the lender's perception of therisk of fall in the value of assets. But in the context of loan recoveries, it is the difference between the actual dues from a borrower and the amount he settles with the bank.
  2. Himanshi Srivastava

    Himanshi Srivastava New Member

    Suppose you have given loan to someone, now that someone has to pay you back suppose a total of Rs 1000 (interest + actual).. but he is not able to pay you back.. so you will ask him, "bro, atleast give me Rs 800, I will forget rest Rs 200".. so that Rs 200 is the haircut, the larger the haircut the bigger will be loss for you.. Now suppose you are a bank, think of this in larger context..
  3. Monu Jangra

    Monu Jangra New Member

    For eg If u take loan of rs 800 Bank took collateral of rs 1000 ...See more
  4. Monu Jangra

    Monu Jangra New Member

    Bank can't offer 0% haircut Because of liquidity risk
  5. See Rahul mishra's answer. He is correct. What you are talking about is called LTV (Loan to Value).

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