ABC bank provides following information about its NPA account as on 31.3.2015 (Amt in crore) NPA a/

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Neeraj Singh, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Neeraj Singh

    Neeraj Singh New Member

    ABC bank provides following information about its NPA account as on 31.3.2015 (Amt in crore) NPA a/c type Loan amount security value Standard a/c 3800 2000 Sub standard (secured) 1200 1000 Sub standard (un secured) 200 18 Doubtful I (up to 1years) 800 600 Doubtful II 1 years To 3 years 800 400 Doubtful III( above 3 years) 800 200 Loss loan 200 18 On the basis of given information , answer the following qus. What is the provision on standard a/c ( Direct agriculture)? a. 2.5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6 Ans - a ............................................. What is the provision on standard a/c( less Direct Agri.) a. 11.2 b. 15.7 c. 5.6 d. 15 Ans - a ............................................. What is the provision on standard a/c a. 2.5 b. 11.2 c. 13.7 d. 7 Ans - c ............................................. What is the amount of provision sub standard a/c ( secured sub standard) a. 180 b. 230 c. 410 d. 350 Ans - a ............................................. What is the amount of provision sub standard a/c (un secured sub standard) a. 230 b. 180 c. 50 d. 410 Ans - c ............................................. What is the amount of provision for total sub standard a/c a. 180 b. 230 c. 410 d. 350 Ans - b ............................................. What is the amount of provision for doubtful I account a. 350 b. 200 c. 320 d. 150 Ans - a ............................................. What is the amount of provision for doubtful II account a. 200 b. 100 c. 560 d. 250 Ans - c ............................................. What is the amount of provision for doubtful III account a. 800 b. 320 c. 400 d. 600 Ans - a ............................................. What is the amount of provision for loss a/c a. 400 b. 100 c. 200 d. 300 Ans - c ............................................. What is the amount of provision for doubtful account a. 1710 b. 800 c. 350 d. 560 Ans - a ............................................. What is the amount of total provision a. 1640 b. 1760 c. 1840 d. 2153 Ans - d

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