Benefits of doing any of these courses for an existing banker? sir could you throw more light.

Discussion in 'Banking' started by AndyB, Aug 25, 2017.

  1. AndyB

    AndyB New Member

    Benefits of doing any of these courses for an existing banker? sir could you throw more light.
  2. Brogan

    Brogan New Member

    Yes...If you want to apply for Scale II, III, IV jobs in future.
  3. Pratikshit Singh

    Pratikshit Singh New Member

    Sir how about the course in Risk mngmt? Would it be considered for jobs in Risk management field?? Normally they ask for FRM or such high notch degree
  4. Nidhi Bansal

    Nidhi Bansal Member

    Do these courses hold any value outside psb banks ?
  5. Brogan

    Brogan New Member

    Sir quite interested in Risk, could you guide little more on this field. Sir
  6. Muhammad Rizwan

    Muhammad Rizwan New Member

    Yes sir it is, I am thinking for FRM sir, Would this course be equivalent to FRM?? And moreover would be accepted as an eligibility criteria for foraying into Risk management field?? Normally it asks for Master degree in Stats/Maths or FRM.
  7. Rahul Sharma

    Rahul Sharma New Member

    Which one among the above 3 has better future in terms of money and job prosperity in future...plz mention so that it would b easy to decide which one is to go for?
  8. Parveen Sharma

    Parveen Sharma New Member

    Visit IIBF website and select as per your interest.

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