CRISIL is a credit rating company, it rates companies on a scale (ranging from (AAA to B) based o

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Peggy, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Peggy

    Peggy Member

    CRISIL is a credit rating company, it rates companies on a scale (ranging from (AAA to B) based on their creditworthiness. CRISIL does not provide any rating for individuals and its ratings consider a wide array of factors such as the business stregnths of a company, its team, its market reputation etc . CRISIL does not rate individual creditworthiness. Large part of CRISIL's revenue comes from rating large enterprises such as banks, power companies ..etcECGC:- It provides export credit insurance support to Indian exporters and is controlled by the Ministry of Commerce
  2. Neha Sharma

    Neha Sharma New Member

    Crisil is a credit rating agency whereas ecgc is a govt organization which gives credit insurance to indian exporters.

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