Dscr shows how much income is there to pay installment

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Prasad Adhav, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Prasad Adhav

    Prasad Adhav New Member

    Dscr shows how much income is there to pay installment
  2. Aakash Nagar

    Aakash Nagar New Member

    Yes this is caiib notes from higher education academy
  3. Sangita Khandelwal

    Sangita Khandelwal New Member

    Dscr gives the capacity of borrower to repay long term debt usually term loan.in other terms it decide how much loan a party can afford. Hense B is right. Dscr = (PAT+depreciation+intt on term loan)/principal+ intt.
  4. Jyoti_Shah

    Jyoti_Shah New Member

    DSCR-debt service coverage ratio, through this we get that how much debt could be financed, here all the details like loan amt, roi, period, installment, income, expense , etc are already given , through all these we just calculate coverage ratio means repayment capacity. Ans for the question is B - DSCR determines the capacity to raise loan.

    RAVI MAHAWAR New Member

    It is the ratio of cash generated in business to obligation to pay installment

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