Due to waiving of loans, States have to increase taxes and there by demand will decrease..

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Mallika Sehgal, Sep 29, 2017.

  1. Mallika Sehgal

    Mallika Sehgal New Member

    Due to waiving of loans, States have to increase taxes and there by demand will decrease..
  2. Arvind K Mukkar

    Arvind K Mukkar New Member

    Increase...because it will reduce liablities of farmers. They will have more money to buy goods and services
  3. Forsaken

    Forsaken New Member

    Demand will increase . It will clean balance sheet of banks hence lending activities will increase . And bankers are the risk takers and RBI is the guardian of economy .
  4. Apparently Increase. Given they will have more money at hand. But on the other hand, since loans are being waived off. Someone has to pay to the banks to keep them off the balance sheet. So it is merely the displacement of liabilities. So no net effect on aggregate demand.
  5. Manjesh Kushwaha

    Manjesh Kushwaha New Member

    It will decrease.....according to economic survey vol ii
  6. Mike

    Mike New Member

    DecreasesAd = consumption exp +govt exp +investment exp + exports
  7. Bhunesh Kumar

    Bhunesh Kumar New Member

    Decrease .Logic - farm loan waiving ; banks will not be willing to lend much ; interest rate will be high ; higher interest rate ; less lending activities ; less liquidity ; less demand

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