Fiscal Deficit - Difference between TOTAL REVENUE and TOTAL EXPENDITURE.Revenue Deficit-. The REVE

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Vinayak Sonkar, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Vinayak Sonkar

    Vinayak Sonkar New Member

    Fiscal Deficit - Difference between TOTAL REVENUE and TOTAL EXPENDITURE.Revenue Deficit-. The REVENUE falls short of the EXPENSES incurred to generate.Now talking interms of our country:Revenue Deficit is when government earns less than what it has expected in that fiscal year.Fiscal deficit is when government spends more money in that fiscal year than what it has generated.
  2. Simran Sinha

    Simran Sinha New Member

    A mismatch in the expected revenue and expenditure can result in revenue deficit. Revenue deficit arises when the government's actual net receipts is lower than the projected receipts. On the contrary, if the actual receipts are higher than expected one, it is termed as revenue surplus.
  3. Aashu Panchal

    Aashu Panchal New Member

    mismatch between gov revenue receipt ; revenue expenditure is revenue defiect
  4. Aashu Panchal

    Aashu Panchal New Member

    while fiscal defeciet =budget defecit+ market borrowing

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