IBPS SO IBPS Marketing Officer Exam, 2017 Questions (Based on my Memory)

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Abhishek Bansal, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. IBPS Marketing Officer Exam, 2017 Questions (Based on my Memory) -
    1) Advantage of any company-Core Competency
    2) ATM comes under- Place Mix
    3) Good consumer service comes under- Service Marketing 4) Radio Advertisement- Mass Reach
    5) Which is not under 4 C- Creativity
    6) Expansion of product awareness under- Introduction stage
    7) performance exceeds expectations -Augmented product glasses emoticon Age ,Religion,Ethenicity,geography comes under- Culture/Subculture
    9) Liquuar and Cigarrate -Sarrogate Advertisement hoti hai
    10) Any slogan or phrase is- tagline
    11) Newsletter ,Catalog comes under - promotion
    12) B2B is _______ B2C in market share -
    13) USP - unique selling proposition
    14) PLC stage - sustain nahi hoga
    15) SWOT -Strength, weekness,oppertunity,threat
    16) Lead generation- creating initiation of customer interest
    17) Trade promotion ,Retail support comes under -push strategy
    18) All product are heterogenous -is a segmentation theory
    19) Market space
    20) Low cost marketing yield max result - Guirrilla marketing
    21) Untapped segment of speciality - Niche
    22) Market orientation firms- focuses on customers
    23) TQM- Total quality management
    24) Buzz marketing - Viral marketing
    25) Acid test- Brand loyality
    26) Brand Extension - using Previous brand name in new product
    27) Visiting Bank in Dubai is not a product - ha ha kya option hai
    28) Package is identification through which brand can be identified
    29) Indian ka buying behavior - Bargain or complex or augmented not sure
    30) MOS= Margin of safety - is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price
    31) Industrial product is differentiated- on the basis of its use
    32) Customization- action of modifying something to suit a particular individual
    33) For safety/protection of a brand -Trademark is used(Comes under intellectual property)
    34) Banks comes under _micro environment Explain=3 environment Macro, micro, Internal , Macro- PESTEL Micro- Supplier,Customer, market intermediates, Financers(Banks),Public
    35) The quality of being able to be reached- Accessibility
    36) Win Win Marketing
    37) Gender comes under- Demographic environment
    38) Personality Advertisement - a kind of associative group
    39) Barter is an Exchange (without money)
    40) Which one is marketing channel - Retail outlet
    41) for exchange 2 people for market 3 people
    42) Idea screening is a stage of screening of idea
    43) Credit card - Target group -Individual with taxable income
    44) Marketing =long term selling =short term
    45) Purpose of segmentation -identify the difference of behavior
    46) Service durable nahi perishable hoti hai
    47) Commoditization - Goods are treated as a comodity on price
    48) supply; Demand =buyers market
    49) Displaying important information- Labelling
    50) MRTP =Monopolistic and restrictive trade practice
  2. Monty Rajput

    Monty Rajput New Member

    arye yr marketing questions ni chahiye. mujhe English, reasoning aur math ki questions chahiye

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