If Precis word limit is 200 words, writing it in around 210-220 words would lead to cut in marks ?

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Amin Sabet, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Amin Sabet

    Amin Sabet New Member

    If Precis word limit is 200 words, writing it in around 210-220 words would lead to cut in marks ?
  2. Manjesh Kushwaha

    Manjesh Kushwaha New Member

    Never referred any book...It is a skill...Can be improved by practice.
  3. Avinash Singh

    Avinash Singh Member

    Sir, the thing with practice is you need constant supervision/comparison with peer's work to get a direction. I welcome you giving sample questions here (with group members giving it a try right here) on forum to test oneself and for people to compare and understand how to be concise and where they stand until now.
  4. Manjesh Kushwaha

    Manjesh Kushwaha New Member

    Yes...I Will do that immediately after Phase I test...Now... Concentrate on Phase I.

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