India Ranks. (Rectify if there are any changes) Access To Electricity - 26 Consumer Confidence - 1 C

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Saurav Tyagi, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Saurav Tyagi

    Saurav Tyagi New Member

    India Ranks. (Rectify if there are any changes) Access To Electricity - 26 Consumer Confidence - 1 Corruption Index - 2016 - 76 Corruption Perceptions (2017) - 79 Crony Capitalism (2016) - 9 Defence (Expenditure) - 4 Ease of doing business (World Bank) - 130 Economic Freedom (2015) - 114 Environmental Performance - 141 FDI Confidence - 9 FM Global Resilience Index - 60 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows (2016) - 10 Foreign Direct Investment Confidence - 8 Gender Gap Index (WEF)- 2016 - 87 Global Competitiveness Index (2016-17) - 39 Global Connectivity - 44 Global Connectivity Index - 43 Global Energy Architecture Performance - 87 Global Gender Index - 108 Global Hunger Index - 97 Global Innovation Index 2016 - 66 Global Passport Index - 78 Global Peace Index - 141 Global Reail Development Index - 2 Global Resilience Index 2016 - 107 Global Retail Development - 2 Global Slavery Index 2016 - 4 Global talent competitiveness (2016) - 89 Global Talent Index - 2017 - 92 Global Wind Power Installed Capacity Index - 4 Good Country - 61 Good country index - 70 Green Energy Spending - 5 Happiness Index (2016) - 118 Health - 143 Highest Salaries to Experts - 3 Human Capital Index (2016) - 105 Human Development Index - 130 Human Development Index - 131 ICT development index - 138 Inclusive Development Index - 60 Intellectual Property - 43 Intellectual Property (IP) Index - 37 Internet Market - 2 Logistics Performance (2016) - 35 Milk Production - 1 Networked Readiness Index - 91 Nuclear Material Security - 21 Nuclear Material Security - 23 Oil Consumption - 3 Overall growth prospectus - 5 Rank in Manufacturing Countries - 6 Ranking in Attratcting FDI - 10 Ranking in Total Wealth - 7 Remittance Index - 1 Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness - 2 Renewable Energy Index - 2016 - 3 Sustainable Development Index 110 Travel ; Tourism Competitiveness - 40 World Banl Logistic Index - 2016 - 35 World Economic Freedom Index - 112 World Happiness (2017) - 122 World Press Freedom (2017) - 136 World Prosperity Index - 104 World Risk Index - 77 World’s Most Valuable Nation Brand - 7 Youth Development Index - 133
  2. Saurav Tyagi

    Saurav Tyagi New Member

    India has been ranked 45th out of 63 countries in the IMD’s world competitiveness rankings 2017. The list is compiled by the Switzerland-based International Institute for Management and Development (IMD)’s World Competitiveness Center (WCC). Hong Kong has topped the list, followed by Switzerland, Singapore, United States, Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark.
  3. Digital

    Digital Member

    Why does RBI ask these kinds of things? What does one get by memorizing these apart from marks in exam :p ? After exam you forget . No use
  4. Deepak Gupta

    Deepak Gupta Member

    To understand where we are standing compare to the world
  5. Digital

    Digital Member

    Thanks man. Now I understand. However, is it not enough we see it somewhere and then figure out the reasons for why we are where in what?
  6. Raj Manhotra

    Raj Manhotra New Member

    yes it is 26th...137th is the rank in global peace index...
  7. Though some indicators are good but majority are dismal. We represent one sixth of humanity on 2.4 % of land. Where are we heading ?

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