Inflow of USD 200,000.00 by TT for credit to your exporter's account, being advance payment for expo

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Mission Cgl, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Mission Cgl

    Mission Cgl New Member

    Inflow of USD 200,000.00 by TT for credit to your exporter's account, being advance payment for exports (credit received in Nostro statement received from New York correspondent). What rate you will take to quote to the customer, if the market is 55.21/25? a. 55.21 b. 55.21-Bank commission c. 55.25 d. 55.25- Bank commission Ans - b Explanation : It will be purchase of USD from customer for which USD will have to be sold in the market. Say when USD/Rs is being quoted as 48.09/11, meaning that market buys USD at Rs 48.09 and sells at Rs 48.11. We shall have to quote rate to the customer on the basis of market buying rate, i.e. 48.09, less our margin, as applicable, to arrive at the TT Buying Rate applicable for the customer transaction.

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