interview review. panel 4M+2F 1. First mam said to introduce myself.. but when I'm going to ssaid a

Discussion in 'Banking' started by RAVI MAHAWAR, Sep 11, 2017.


    RAVI MAHAWAR New Member

    interview review. panel 4M+2F 1. First mam said to introduce myself.. but when I'm going to ssaid about my family backgroud one sir said just to tell about the grad and post grad aand experience..ok ts over. 2. second mam asked a question that I never here.. I said I dont know. 3. same mam asked what is service marketing..features..said.. 4. same mam what is 7 ps of marketing.. said.. then she said give a example... 5. sir.. why u wanna come in banking industry.. said.. he then stopped e and said banking industry in india is not doing well so why I wanna come in this industry..I said.. but he continued to said lots of negative thing.. like lots of bank.. more private bank r coming... govt babk r not doing well.. blah blah blah.. 6. then same sir asked about demonitisation.. how is banking industry nd customers gained frm demonitisation.. try to said my best but he was not very satisfied.. asking lots of cross questions.... its horrible... 7. then another sir aasked aout npa nd loans..diff type of npa.. process nd steps of recovery..nd asked question related to it.. 8. other one asked a question but. forgotten what it is... overall interview was average...lets see what happen...
  2. Enju Rk

    Enju Rk New Member

    interview started here frm 6 th nd today is the last day here...its the venue fr wb+ northeast...
  3. ZivaAkcija

    ZivaAkcija Member

    i think interview is easy as all question alraedy asked

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