Interviewer- how you can recover a loan amount of 50,000 rupees from a farmer of a village if he is

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Ramki Chowdary, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Ramki Chowdary

    Ramki Chowdary New Member

    Interviewer- how you can recover a loan amount of 50,000 rupees from a farmer of a village if he is not doing any job and his crops had damaged due to heavy rainfall. Now he has nothing to give.
  2. Satish Tammina

    Satish Tammina New Member

    Well. Now in this question you know that the customer is actually facing a financial difficulty. Here, maximum you can educate the customer why it in necessary to payback the loan amount. Once that is done. Present a payment plan.If options available. Extend the payment period by say 12 months. Where in he can serve the interest amount so that loan doesn't come under NPA. In beginning offcourse he will have to pay a slightly bigger amount.Till the next season, ask him to serve the interest. Secondly also suggest him to make larger payments once in 3 months.Max to max u can only suggest and educate.

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