JAIIB Recollected questions PPB ➡ 1. A loan document is signed by one partner on June 15, 2007, by

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Pulkit Jain, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Pulkit Jain

    Pulkit Jain New Member

    JAIIB Recollected questions PPB ➡ 1. A loan document is signed by one partner on June 15, 2007, by 2nd partner on June 21 and by 3rd partner on June 29. The period of limitation will start from : Ans:-June 30, 2007 ➡ 2. In CAMLES, the word C stands for : Ans:- Capital Adequacy Ratio ➡ 3. A partner wants to retire from the firm XYZ. He has to a. get consent of other partners b. has implied authority to retire c. has to give public notice d. can retire when desired by him by giving notice to other partners Ans:- A ➡ 4. Service Area approach guidelines withdrawn by RBI except of Govt. sponsored Scheme as per recommendations of : Ans:-VS Vyas Committee ➡ 5. Govt. shareholding in public sector banks cannot be below : a. 33% b. 51% c. 74% d. 100 Ans:- B ➡ 6. For micro & small enterprise, the value of _____ is excluded while calculating the value of plant and machinery or equipment : Ans:- Land & building. ➡ 7. Registration of partnership firm is not compulsory but banks prefer registered firms because a. they can file suit against them b. creditors can file suit against them c. they can file suit against their debtors d. None of the above Ans:- C ➡ 8. The limitation period u/s 138 of NI Act begins from : Ans:- Date of cause of action ➡ 9. Ombudsman can ignore the case of complaint where a) advocate of applicant has appealed b) complaint is of frivolous nature Ans:- B ➡ 10. Company increases it networth by revaluation of assets by Rs.50000. Existing Debt equity ratio was 2:1. the new debt equity ratio would be _____, if long term liabilities are Rs.80000 Ans:-: 0.9:1 ➡ 11. If BCTT is not deposited on time, the penalty for non-deposit is Ans:- Rs.1000 per day for period of default + 1p.m. interest ➡ 12. BCTT is chargeable in the account of a private limited company if the amount of cash withdrawal is : Ans:- more than Rs.1 lac. ➡ 13. A cheque is issued by a company as “pay yourselves”. A clerk from the company comes and signs on behalf of the company and requests for preparation of a demand draft Ans:-: Cannot be prepared. ➡ 14. Internal rate of return is : Ans:-A discount rate, at which the net present value of a project is Zero. ➡ 15. PMRY age limit of general………..and for SCST ____ Ans:- (18-35 and 18-45) ➡ 16. Under SGSY Programme, the minimum number of SHG group of women to be formed : Ans:-50% ➡ 17. Subsidy under Agriclinic Agribusiness is ……..%or general and ………….% for SC/ST Ans:- (25% and 33.3%) ➡ 18. Small Service industry investment in plant and machinery Ans:- : above 10 lakhs but upto 2 crore ➡ 19. Hypothecation defined under which act : Ans:-SARFAESI Act. ➡ 20. Npa Can Be Sold By Keeping For How Many Days : Ans:-2 Years
  2. Anant Battan

    Anant Battan New Member

    In case of 1st question..if the documents are signed on different dates..what will be the date of loan document?

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