JBR Lucknow, Panel 4-- Interview- 4 males ( which included dangerous foreigner guy) + 1 HR Maam

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Vinay Sharma, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. Vinay Sharma

    Vinay Sharma New Member

    JBR Lucknow, Panel 4-- Interview- 4 males ( which included dangerous foreigner guy) + 1 HR Maam 1. Wished everyone. 2. About parents + Graduation College+ PGDM college 3. Started with Technical questions in which foreigner looking guy fired questions non stop-- 4. Difference between Engg. And Technology 5. Why semiconductors is used when we can use con ductors.. 6. Why Voltage drop happens 7. What is https? I Didn't answered satisfactorily. He went out 8. Lady asked-- Types of Accounts 9. Difference between certificate of Deposit and Commercial paper. 10. As a MO, What accounts will u sell? 11. Which account is more preferable? I didn't answered any question satisfactorily. I don't expect much marks I think... Disappointed but happy that I kept my cool throughout. All d Best to all!!
  2. Swarup Kar

    Swarup Kar New Member

    here in kolkata centre.. there is also a man who look like foreigner.

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