@kumawat Rahul Jlandhra: A Bonds Of 5 Years Maturity Period Pays Coupn @ 5% For 1st Year, 6% For 2nd

Discussion in 'Banking' started by weshootfood, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. weshootfood

    weshootfood Member

    @Kumawat Rahul Jlandhra: A bonds of 5 years maturity period pays coupn @ 5% for 1st year, 6% for 2nd year and 7% for next 3 years. And coupons are predecided at the date of issue. This is a type of- 1.Perpetual 2.Convertible 3.Fixed coupon 4.Floating 5.Reverse Floating.
  2. Souvick Das

    Souvick Das Member

    Generally Floating Rate bonds are linked to Benchmark rate ie T bill G sec rate plus
  3. Predecided and known @ time of issue-FixedNot known@ time of issue-Floating
  4. isn't Floating rate market linked? and here this is predetermined..therefore 3

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