Legal Right, constitutional rights are subset of legal rights.

Discussion in 'Banking' started by farang, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. farang

    farang New Member

    Legal Right, constitutional rights are subset of legal rights.
  2. Right to vote is Constitutional (Art. 326) and legal right (Representation of People's Act,1951).AndRight to Elected is a legal right not Constitutional, so answer is D.
  3. Rahul Jain

    Rahul Jain New Member

    my qstn isif its legal right, how come 61st CONSTITUTIONAL amendment act lowered voting age from 21 to 18? a simple gazzete notification would have done it....See more
  4. Rahul Jain

    Rahul Jain New Member

    yes of course, but, since no other condition is required to vote or to get elected, this essentially means that once u become 18 u have right to vote and once u get 25, u have right to get elected. This is what I feel.
  5. Ananya Mehra

    Ananya Mehra Member

    @Rahul Jain The amendment was done to the article 326 which states that "The elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of every State shall be on the basis of adult suffrage" and the age was 21 which has been lowered to 18; I...See more
  6. Rahul Jain

    Rahul Jain New Member

    k.. I thought principle of adult suffrage implies right to vote.. anyway no issue..
  7. Rizwan Ahmed

    Rizwan Ahmed New Member

  8. Soarplex

    Soarplex New Member

    Option DIt is 62 (1) of RPA, 1951 which confers the citizens the Right to Vote; and when one is not eligible to vote.Hence "The Right to Vote" is neither Fundamental Right nor Constitutional Right but a Legal Right.
  9. Rashmi Roy

    Rashmi Roy New Member

    D, according to the interpretation of SC but the same right is also mentioned in Art 326.
  10. Kirti Choudary

    Kirti Choudary New Member

    It is for adult suffrage.. not any right point of view
  11. Shekhar Dewan

    Shekhar Dewan Member

    suppose i want to get elected as the president of that case how does the RPA,1951 come into the picture?????the constitution gives me the right to contest the presidential election.....hence constitutional right....

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