Marketing Qn. What are the benefits of segment marketing over mass marketing?

Discussion in 'Banking' started by DieselMinded, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. DieselMinded

    DieselMinded Member

    Marketing Qn. What are the benefits of segment marketing over mass marketing?
  2. Tejas Chauhan

    Tejas Chauhan New Member

    Segment marketing customised the market where a manufacturer can specify their product to the focused or target market..
  3. Tejas Chauhan

    Tejas Chauhan New Member

    Segment market is also beneficial for test marketing for a new product
  4. Sumant Kumar

    Sumant Kumar New Member

    Optimal utilization of resources and higher ROI due to low marketing cost...
  5. Shyam Singh

    Shyam Singh New Member

    How many of us can be at least 50% sure that those interview board members might have a MBA fundamentals in order? Lol
  6. segmentation is usefull ,,,to targeting effectively your customer,,, and you able to give a effective prodect to each customer as per there need and desire ...
  7. Sumit Phogat

    Sumit Phogat New Member

    People and their perceptions vary that's why marketers prefer segmenting thhe market. There is a saying in marketing, " instead of being everything for everyone you need to be everything for some".. Segmenting the market gives the product more chance in a target market.. That way you're more focussed towards the needs and wants of the customers.

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