NIACL mutual Transfers Is Very Difficult To Accomplish In Practice

Discussion in 'Insurance' started by Neeraj Verma, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Neeraj Verma

    Neeraj Verma New Member

    Honestly speaking,mutual transfers is very difficult to accomplish in practice and practically impossible for newly joined AOs.I would advise all of you not to pin any hope on this mutual transfer thing as nothing will come out of it.
  2. Dimpi Sharma

    Dimpi Sharma New Member

    Suvradip Sen sir what will be the take home salary?
  3. Praful Ghodeswar

    Praful Ghodeswar New Member

    I am transferring my bond from UIIC to NIA, does this clause apply on me:" In case you have executed any lien/bond to retain your substantive post with the present employer, Company shall not contribute towards Pension or Leave Salary, etc since you are a direct recruit." Suvradip Sen??
  4. Savio Kent

    Savio Kent New Member

    In UIIC, we use GC Core for underwriting. Which one does NIA use??Also, how are the growth prospects??
  5. Satish Sharma

    Satish Sharma New Member

    Niacl use cwiss, a platform developed by TCS..and growth prospects are good compared to other psgics.
  6. Niacl use cwiss, a platform developed by TCS..and growth prospects are good compared to other psgics.

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