Personal Question. What are the 3 points that make you better banker than people sitting outside?

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Meetha Lal, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. Meetha Lal

    Meetha Lal Member

    Personal Question. What are the 3 points that make you better banker than people sitting outside?
  2. Meetha Lal

    Meetha Lal Member

    Very nice question but anyone for some good points for the answer??
  3. Anshika Jain

    Anshika Jain New Member

    will vary from person to person according to his or her personal traits.. just keep in mind that you must sound profitable to the organisation. And one thumb Rule- DON'T SAY YOU'RE AN INTROVERT. EVEN IF YOU'RE ONE. You have to be a people person to excel as a banker.
  4. Anshika Jain

    Anshika Jain New Member

    But, I was saying the same... some points that are vital to the company.. which can be general
  5. Harry Sharma

    Harry Sharma New Member

    @Meetha Lal yeah u r right.. most of them r not. but there r exceptions. im one of them. :(
  6. Priya Choudhary

    Priya Choudhary New Member

    @Meetha Lal well in that case good INTERPERSONAL skills.. Empathetic.. Patient.. understanding.. mature.. you have to prove these through your talk.. through out the 15..20 mins..
  7. Muchkund Ranjan

    Muchkund Ranjan New Member

    this is a psychological question.. there is no perfect answer.. you have to make ur answer perfect through your dialogue with them. Hard to put into words.
  8. Shubham Raj

    Shubham Raj New Member

    You know your words helped me choose words acc. to my traits and put my exaples in it to justify those points... Thank you so much..

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