Please guide regarding notes - Should I make pen n paper notes from books(selective reading) like ra

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Anupam Kumar, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Anupam Kumar

    Anupam Kumar New Member

    Please guide regarding notes - Should I make pen n paper notes from books(selective reading) like ramesh singh n bharti v pathak. or just highlight and n revise from it aftr 17 june (being positive).
  2. Vishakha Singh

    Vishakha Singh New Member

    make short notes, depends on you, how you understand the topic no need to make notes of whole book
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  3. kadona

    kadona New Member

  4. Make notes for the topics which you find difficult or boring and highlighting for topics you like..thats my personal approach..hope it will work for you also..

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