Ptomotion;;;high salary;;;high NPA. So less promotion. It's ModiNomics

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Lindal_Orona, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Lindal_Orona

    Lindal_Orona New Member

    Ptomotion;;;high salary;;;high NPA. So less promotion. It's ModiNomics
  2. Aditya Vardhan

    Aditya Vardhan New Member

    @Lindal_Orona i think you did not get my question. i repeat again , will merger help economy in positive way?
  3. India Shines

    India Shines New Member

    @Aditya Vardhan no it will not make positive impact on the economy ,instead it will make negative impact .(like demonetization)the simple thing is that The net amount of loans that creditors owe for indian psbs will remain same and keep on increasing ,...See more

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