RBI Grade B Rbi Grade B Interview 2017 Guide By Susheel A Ragade

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Struggling Days, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. RBI Grade B 2017 Interview Guide was shared to my on mail , sharing it with you guys . Can be used on any interview
    GOOD LUCK !!!

    Important Areas to be covered

    1. Personal Details

    1. Name: Meaning/Famous Personality

    2. City: Specialty/Advantages/Problems

    3. School

    4. College

    5. Hobby

    6. Favorite Book


    2. Family Background (Education/Job)

    7. Father

    8. Mother

    9. Brother/Sister

    10. If married then about Spouse, Child/Children


    3. Graduation

    11. City

    12. College

    13. Subjects/Branch (Why selected this subject/branch?)

    14. Favorite Subject (Prepare 2 Subjects)

    15. Prizes/Awards / Certifications / Extra Curricular Activities


    4. Post-Graduation

    16. City

    17. College

    18. Subjects/Branch (Why selected this subject/branch)

    19. Favorite Subject (Prepare 2 Subjects)

    _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. Job/Work Experience (1)

    20. Company/Organization’s Basic Information

    21. Why joined this job?

    22. Why resigned this job?

    23. Job Profile


    6. Job/Work Experience (2 if any)

    24. Company/Organization’s Basic Information

    25. Why joined this job?

    26. Why resigned this job?

    27. Job Profile


    7. Banking/Economy/Finance Terms (Prepare at least 100 important terms as per your judgment.)

    8. Tell us about yourself. (Very Important Questions, your whole interview will be based on answer of this question. At least 30 seconds and Maximum 1 minute.)


    9. Who is/are your ideal person/persons? Why?


    10. Why Banking Sector?


    11. Prepare at least 10 Questions Related to RBI’s functions and organization.


    12. 2-3 Questions related to performance of Modi Government.


    13. Why RBI? (Important Question, give your real reason, don’t not try to give diplomatic or ideal answer.)


    14. Why do you want to leave your present job? (If applicable)


    15. Opinion about ‘Need electoral reforms.’


    16. Opinion about ‘Need of the Demonetization.’


    17. Strengths and Weakness


    18. Why we should select you?


    19. What are you doing since your graduation or Post Graduation? (If not in a job)


    20. Whether you are preparing for UPSC? Yes/No – Why? (Critical Question)


    21. On what basis government had taken the demonetization decision? Also explain the terms monetization, demonetization, demonetization, delegalisation, decimalization, and redenomination.


    22. Why there is need of different types banks like Foreign, Public Sector, Private Sector, Cooperative, Local Area, Regional Rural Bank etc?

    (Give logical answer with reasons.)


    23. What is the need of Payment/Small banks as there are already many types of banks catering all needs of all types of customers? (Important Question)


    Note: You can copy paste questions in another word file then write your honest answers and send it to me. On the basis of your answers I will ask to you second/third level of questions on phone. We will also discuss in face to face sessions. I have also planned mock interviews/discussion at New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Chennai. I will inform interview dates later.

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