RBI Grade B Try To Solve This Fm Numerical (rbi Grade B 2016 Exam). Some Caldidates Have Told Me That Rbi Had G

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Shubham Thakur, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Shubham Thakur

    Shubham Thakur New Member

    Try to solve this FM Numerical (RBI Grade B 2016 Exam). Some caldidates have told me that RBI had given table values.
  2. Kamal Poonia

    Kamal Poonia Member

    Yield is not given...... discount rate of bond is given..
  3. Sayan Sen

    Sayan Sen Member

    Present value factor for N th period = 1/(1+r)^N R = Discounting rate and Present Value Annuity Factor(PVAF) = {1-1/(1+r)^N}/r
  4. Sumant Kumar

    Sumant Kumar New Member

    but the tables don't have the values for the given combination
  5. rafass

    rafass Member

    @Muhammad Rizwan sir how to make power 28 or 29 in normal calculators? are there any tips for this problem because it takes much time in calculating powers in normal calculators. plz help
  6. DieselMinded

    DieselMinded Member

    @rafass in RBI u won't be allowed calculator this time. Work toward knowing pvif and pvifa
  7. DieselMinded

    DieselMinded Member

    Very confusing though. Last time they clearly said that calculator is allowed and scientific is not allowed.
  8. Muhammad Rizwan

    Muhammad Rizwan New Member

    Calculator is not in the list of 'not permitted items'Meaning is clear.
  9. Muhammad Rizwan

    Muhammad Rizwan New Member

    It is there in the list of non permitted items...For ESI paper.
  10. DieselMinded

    DieselMinded Member

    Yeah sir. I noticed. But last time , it was explicitly mentioned in the admit card
  11. Bharat Sarkar

    Bharat Sarkar Member

    @Muhammad Rizwan what about pvif and pvifa values..do we need to calculate or charts of the same is allowed ...
  12. DieselMinded

    DieselMinded Member

    Last time they gave some values but not all the value needed for solving the problem. No chart provided.
  13. Bharat Sarkar

    Bharat Sarkar Member

    Req values were given...i.e if pvif of 5*/* 10 years is req to solve the question then its value is given

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