What if a bank pays excess pension to a family pensioner despite her saying that her pension should

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Arpit Goel, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Arpit Goel

    Arpit Goel New Member

    What if a bank pays excess pension to a family pensioner despite her saying that her pension should be less and now the bank has freezed her account? What should be done if the bank staff is not cooperating and asking her for full recovery yet she is paying monthly installment for recovery? And now bank wants her to submit an application to pay her own pension.
  2. Arpit Goel

    Arpit Goel New Member

  3. Mahesh Nani

    Mahesh Nani New Member

    And what if bank has entered wrong date of death who is at fault bank or family pensioner who is illiterate
  4. Ankit Raj

    Ankit Raj New Member

    Bank record can be altered after proper verification but not date on death certificate upon which whole pension case is based upon
  5. Mahesh Nani

    Mahesh Nani New Member

    Date was entered wrong bt now it has been rectified in the pension software but the wrong date has resulted in wrong arrears for pensioner and now that is too an amount for recovery
  6. Manish Kadian

    Manish Kadian New Member

    1/3 from regular pension can be recovered as excess pension and consent with pensioner as he/she agreed on terms.
  7. Mahesh Nani

    Mahesh Nani New Member

    Can full amount be recovered in one go from family pensioner?
  8. Manish Kadian

    Manish Kadian New Member

    yes if the amt avlbl in account; also hav a word with pensioner abt how much he/ she agreed on. what is the issue- is it of Enhanced family pension or normal family pension?
  9. Mahesh Nani

    Mahesh Nani New Member

    There is monthly deduction from account and also pensioner has deposited cash for recovery but now the account has been frozen by the branch without any intimation to the pensioner claiming for full recovery

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