What is the most recent bank related advertisement you’ve seen. And what do you think about it? Was

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Mouth, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. Mouth

    Mouth New Member

    What is the most recent bank related advertisement you’ve seen. And what do you think about it? Was it attractive or was it poorly designed? (Vital question to check our awareness of advertising as we are MO candidates)
  2. Mouth

    Mouth New Member

    My answer would be Axis Bank Ad showing a girl explaining how her mother through out her life has only sacrificed and given to their family by saving money, not spending on herself but on her kids and never letting her husband down at times of financial crisis by offering her savings, always making sure that it is the husband that makes the income even if her savings come in handy all the time (typical indian wife). Finally at her old age her Daughter introduces her to Axis Bank which has dedicated policies for women senior citizens.. and now in the old age it is AXIS BANK's duty to take care of all her finances as a trusted companion of her.I THINK THE AD. IS JUST PERFECT.
  3. Mouth

    Mouth New Member

    It was attractive and shows how we can deposit and withraw money anytime anywhere.
  4. Vishakha Singh

    Vishakha Singh New Member

    Nice. But please do keep in mind that you are appearing for PSBs interview. And people have lot ego issues.
  5. Stuart Wright

    Stuart Wright New Member

    Yes. People don't buy a car they buy ego. That's why Tata Nano was not successful initially. :)

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