CAIIB Discussions thread July 2017

Discussion in 'IIBF JAIIB CAIIB' started by Chanandaler Bong, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. Rashmi Roy

    Rashmi Roy New Member

    Case study on prepaid instrument Case study on bharat bill payment system, cersasi, ekyc, Product stage Safety esteem self actualization.. Depreciation calculation using WDV and SLM Reliability responsiveness.. Vehicle loan simple case study.. ROC pulling Credit card billing 5 question Annuity based Max limit for prepaid instruments, expiry of prepaid instruments Mudra loan Future value of ordinary annuity BCSBI - 10 questions (theory based) Depreciation Education loan problem - 5 questions Mudra loans... It is 50000 to 10 lakhs..... 80c rebate?- Rs. 1.5 lakhs One of the ans is sukunya samriddhi account.... Withdrawal allowed in ATM's? Future value of bond/annuity CERSAI is formed under which act? Car loan calculations Many questions from retail banking services Customer relationship management.... Reverse mortgage Full form of CIA BBPS-5marks CKYCR 5 marks Maslow - 5marks Cr card -5marks Para banking EMI -back calculation Capital gain 80C limit PM fosol bima yojona HFA-5 marks Sukanya samridhi CTR BCSBI-5marks CERSAI-which act PMSBY-amt for one eye/hand lost PMEGP- implemented through Pos EWS_size RML CRM gap-iii between Merchant banking means closed ended fund Future value 1marks APY PMSBY
  2. Amitkumar Jangra

    Amitkumar Jangra New Member

    Q-Asset in doubtful category for 2 years - Amt-7 lakh Realization value of security- Amt- 4 lakh what will be the provison requirement ? a-3.6 , b-4.6, c- 5.6, d- none
  3. Sir please mention commonly asked questions in retail banking paper and numerical with solution.
  4. first paper- 46, second paper-50; if I fail in the third paper(say 42). then do i have to sit for only third paper next time or do i have to sit for both first & third paper?
  5. Rohit Kumar

    Rohit Kumar New Member

    The face you make when you clear both JAIIB and CAIIB with first class without reading a single page from the text book.Thank you so much K Cbi sir for this group and the sample paper you provided.
  6. Ashok Kumar

    Ashok Kumar New Member

  7. Dinesh Madan

    Dinesh Madan New Member

    I got 47 49 51 in caiib It was my first attempt Wht is next?? Plz help
  8. Ankur Sodhi

    Ankur Sodhi Member

  9. This is the third time unable to clear corporate banking optional paper (49 47 48)..if any one have any study materials or questions please post
  10. Rahul Sharma

    Rahul Sharma New Member

    I am also thinking of choosing corporate banking is it related to accounting finance only??
  11. @Ashok Kumar I didn't have any PDFs.. followed eLearning in iibf and macmillan
  12. Rohit Kumar

    Rohit Kumar New Member

    7-4= 3Value of securiry 4*0.4=1.63+1.6=4.6Is this correct steps frnds??
  13. Manthan Meena

    Manthan Meena Member

    U r applying for all India basis promotion r state basis promotion?
  14. ZivaAkcija

    ZivaAkcija Member

  15. Awadhesh Ojha

    Awadhesh Ojha Member

    Mujhe bhi ni pta sir. But got 54 today and I already fail in bfm. Oh my god.. twice passed in abm and retail banking due to forth attempt reappire in that exam. And again fail bfm
  16. Rishabh Sahu

    Rishabh Sahu New Member

    I got 53 in abm and only 46 in afm can I get 51 and above in retail. Is that subject as hard as afm. Whether one week study is enough
  17. Glen Anderso

    Glen Anderso Member

    Dear Sir/Madam, The questions and answers set are as per syllabus. Additional reading material, to be referred to, is mentioned in the syllabus. Further subject updates on website and mock test tools are made available to the candidates. Regards, IIBF Team ==================================================== From : Date : 2017-07-11 07:41:50.0 Subject : Guidance to members Dear Sir It is requested that either you stop the conducting exam or provide study material which can help the candidates,A person appearing exam and getting failed many times due to lack of guidance of curriculum and feeling disappointed. Kindly look into matter. sincerely
  18. Anil Khatana

    Anil Khatana New Member

    You are the example how IIBF board is conducting exams.
  19. Prabhat Singh Saini

    Prabhat Singh Saini New Member

    Finally cleared caiib abm-68 bfm-54 retail-74. Thanks murgan sir
  20. Q 3 . A cheque drawn for Raj or order is stolen. The thief made endorsement as Raj on the cheque in his favour. The cheque is presented in clearing and paid by bank. True owner later on sent legal notice to bank. What is the liability of the bank? a) the paying bank will get protection under N.I. Act b) forgery does not give any rights to bank, hence liable c) under section 85, the paying bank is liable d) under section 131, the paying bank is liable. e) I am not attempting this question
  21. Omar Hasan

    Omar Hasan Member

    RBI has issued guidelines on limiting the liability of customers in cases of unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions. To know more click on
  22. Cracked CAIIB in first attempt with 46 in ABM, 54 in BFM and 53 in RISK MANAGEMENT............. Feeling happy to share....
  23. Kamal Poonia

    Kamal Poonia Member

    Got 50 BFM and cleared Caiib . Thanks sir and other group members in your guidance ...
  24. Sachin Godara

    Sachin Godara Member

    A company earns PBT of Rs. 20 crore and PAT of Rs. 15 crore. The paid up capital of the company is Rs. 10 crore and price of its share iof Rs.10 Face value is quoted at Rs. 150. The P/E ratio will be ...... a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. None of the above Ans - b Solution PE = Market price / EPS EPS=NPAT/paid up capital* face value = 15/10*10 = 15 P/E ratio = price per share / earnings per share (EPS) =150/15 =10
  25. Abhishek Gupta

    Abhishek Gupta New Member

    Cleared caiib with abm 48 ,bfm 53 ,retailb59 I'm my first attempt.thanks to all
  26. ThemeHouse

    ThemeHouse New Member

    Please tell me from where you have studied apart from the book
  27. Infected Mushroom

    Infected Mushroom New Member

    Cleared caiib with ABM 48 bfm 57 and information technology with 52 marks .. Thanku to murugan sir and all my friends...
  28. Surendra.S

    Surendra.S New Member

    How to calculate yield of bond and yield to maturity of a bond
  29. Raj Narayan

    Raj Narayan New Member

    Understanding Basel III Major Changes Proposed in Basel III 1. Better Capital Quality : Better quality capital means the higher loss-absorbing capacity. This in turn will mean that banks will be stronger, allowing them to better withstand periods of stress. 2. Capital Conservation Buffer : Another key feature of Basel iii is that now banks will be required to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5%. The aim of asking to build conservation buffer is to ensure that banks maintain a cushion of capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of financial and economic stress. 3. Countercyclical Buffer : This is also one of the key elements of Basel III. The countercyclical buffer has been introducted with the objective to increase capital requirements in good times and decrease the same in bad times. The buffer will slow banking activity when it overheats and will encourage lending when times are tough i.e. in bad times. The buffer will range from 0% to 2.5%, consisting of common equity or other fully loss-absorbing capital. 4. Minimum Common Equity and Tier 1 Capital Requirements : The minimum requirement for common equity, the highest form of loss-absorbing capital, has been raised under Basel III from 2% to 4.5% of total risk-weighted assets. The overall Tier 1 capital requirement, consisting of not only common equity but also other qualifying financial instruments, will also increase from the current minimum of 4% to 6%. Although the minimum total capital requirement will remain at the current 8% level, yet the required total capital will increase to 10.5% when combined with the conservation buffer. 5. Leverage Ratio : A review of the financial crisis of 2008 has indicted that the value of many assets fell quicker than assumed from historical experience. Thus, now Basel III rules include a leverage ratio to serve as a safety net. A leverage ratio is the relative amount of capital to total assets (not risk-weighted). This aims to put a cap on swelling of leverage in the banking sector on a global basis. 3% leverage ratio of Tier 1 will be tested before a mandatory leverage ratio is introduced in January 2018. 6. Liquidity Ratios : Under Basel III, a framework for liquidity risk management will be created. A new Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) are to be introduced in 2015 and 2018, respectively. 7. Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFI) : As part of the macro-prudential framework, systemically important banks will be expected to have loss-absorbing capability beyond the Basel III requirements. Options for implementation include capital surcharges, contingent capital and bail-in-debt. Comparison of Capital Requirements under Basel II and Basel III : Requirements - Under Basel II - Under Basel III Minimum Ratio of Total Capital To RWAs - 8% - 10.50% Minimum Ratio of Common Equity to RWAs - 2% - 4.50% to 7.00% Tier I capital to RWAs - 4% - 6.00% Core Tier I capital to RWAs - 2% - 5.00% Capital Conservation Buffers to RWAs - None - 2.50% Leverage Ratio - None - 3.00% Countercyclical Buffer - None - 0% to 2.50% Minimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio - None - TBD (2015) Minimum Net Stable Funding Ratio - None - TBD (2018) Systemically important Fin Institutions Charge - None - TBD (2011)
  30. Kirti Choudary

    Kirti Choudary New Member

    CAIIB cleared ABM 64 BFM 54 RETAIL 60 Thanks to K Cbi Sir again ..

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