SBI ASMY Recruitment (Assistant Manager Systems )

Discussion in 'Banking' started by Mani Rao, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    First of all, thanks a lot for responding to all our doubts here! Will there be any training given at the time of joining?How is the allocation to various roles/departments decided? Is it going to be based on the merit/marks?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    mentioned these in his previous posts already. Training after 3or4 months of Joining only. Allocation pattern is quite unknown. It is not any basis
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Do we get a laptop ? Or is there a laptop allowance like furniture allowance ?

    sir please help
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    no.. we do not get any laptop and there's no laptop allowance.. but laptop purchase is allowed as a part of furniture allowance ( god knows why )
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ya... during probation, some clearance from dept head is reqd. thereafter you automatically become eligible for mobile phone facility.. however handset reimbursement is just around Rs.6K and monthly postpaid bill cap is also somewhere only around Rs.250-500 (not sure of the exact amt for scale 1)
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello Everyone !! Congratulations !!Can we discuss , what should we do for signing the papers in our organization as we all have notice period average 3 months .Should I wait for any intimation from SBI or should I drop the paper in my company and let the process complete .I am working in TCS .
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have not given notice, notice period is same as yours. I have come to know that medical process may take two days and we might need to travel to different state. I'll not get leaves in notice period, that's why thought of waiting till medical. Even if we put paper today we will save only 15 20 days approx as call for medical should come with in that time.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I' ll give notice on monday 28th march.not going to wait till medical etc. It may create problem in releasing the current job on time.#working in !dea cellular ltd.#
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    There are people who took pain of applying for SBI, studied after office hours, traveled 100s of KM to appear in exam then again traveled for interview and in all probability kept praying for getting selected during all this painful process, and now the claim there current company is sooooooooo good than SBI and what a hell hole SBI is. LOL! Please guys don't waste a seat which might have been offered to some other needy person.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My apologies to those who felt bad with my comments in previous post, Intention was not to hurt anybody's feelings on how hard they worked or studied to get a job in SBI. But at the same time I am not lying about the kind of work AMSYs do. I may not have experienced it myself but I know it as I have stayed with my friend in Navi mumbai and he talked a lot about his job. But again his experience cannot be generalized. One good thing that SBI has started in AMSY is organizing competition within the teams. If your idea is shortlisted and implemented within time then team get to present it to MD and chairman. Team get high management attention. Your job ends there. Plus SBI rewards you 10k or more per person in your team just to create a working prototype.That's cool and interesting. If your app is approved then the team may be rewarded 3-5 lacs. Vendors(TCS/ Tech M) may be asked to make the app enterprise wide.I know this because his team was runners up in such event.But the job itself MAY not be that interesting and AMSY will be monitoring batch jobs... night and morning cuts(database syncs before branches open up)/ disaster recovery between Mumbai and Chennai sites. It happened when Chennai was flooded. However its all automated.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    so its all abt options u have otherwise its good to one is here spreading negativity and every one is smart here.. so plzz don't take this otherwsie..he was working in good profile and he researched n came to know this thing abt amsy..that's it..i was also very happy when i got this job but still i am working to get better..shall i stop at this i travelled 100 km to give exam just for this reason...
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I agree with you completely, and we discuss pros and cons all the time in our whats app group. But there is a positive way of discussing this and then there is way of saying SBI is useless no body wants to work there and all. What is this? I don't like this way of abusing something which we coveted one day. I apologize if i used harsh words or hurt someone, but personally I don't like this way of criticism.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I may have used wrong tone but did not abuse SBI of being hell hole or whatever. I just went over this page posts and i see people mailing and calling Sbi many times. Sbi has just ignored these calls emails outright. Thats not right. We are not beggers here we are their partners of future. (Well some of us)I just pointed out that their HR should be more responsive and they are being lazy. And i certainly did not call Sbi - "my foot" unlike grvsingh. I agree that tcs/infosys pay less and make us do routine work. They may even fire us in tough times. But what would you do if you were running the company? they provided job to our friends and cousins and many other young graduates. Made them independent...gave them opportunity to at least provide for themselves if not for their family. Gave them lifestyle..i know we just cant spend our life well with such companies. Just because you got better does not give you the right to condescend. My sister is in tcs and and m proud that she fights and work to keep her job. Like her many people work their hard to earn. They are not entitled like HR of so called psu's.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Those who are experienced candidate from the IT sector , is it a good idea to leave companies like tcs/cts/infy etc and join sbi ? What could be the pros and cons ? What have you guys decided till now ? Please do share...
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Plus IT companies are way better at communicating with their "future employees" and Its very obvious that SBI does not really care/ or the HR is very lazy. I am already having doubts that i should join bank where people just don't want to work.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have never worked in TCS/Infy/CTS or any other services companies where people do such work, And I don't lack clarity. I have a very close friend in SBI and I know what he does there, Let me tell you its not exciting. I joined Adobe just after passing my college. It took 15 days that's all. I am not spreading pessimism. Just speaking my mind aloud on the forum where everybody has the right to. Have you not felt the same? SBI could have done better job of at least sending an email to all selected candidates. Who Am I to confuse people here. Have the not got their own conscience? GrvSingh you are so gullible and it was easy to get under your skin. Bright future in SBI? Grass is always greener on other side. People who lack knowledge and confidence worry about pink slip. Just visit Adobe or any product companyfor that matter once and you will see what bright looks like. And I too had the offer from Infosys and they at gave the joining date in the offer itself and let me tell you it was on 16th August.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    @Pushpenj..bro there is not comparison of adobe and tcs/Infy lol..yes ur correct u have far better job than i said it totally depends upon profile and job ur into..
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    yes this is specialized for banker not IT might feel different is same feeling like u have for any accountant or admin guys when ur working in any IT company..same people feel there for IT guys in SBI..because there 99% work is related to banking..
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    First of all the question up for discussion was about infy/tcs not adobe and McAfee you need clarity there. Second you didn't get under my skin but showed your myopic thinking by telling that guy how bad SBI is without even telling him that your frame of reference is adobe and not infy. Third thing if you are so sure about adobe and so happy there why did you even think of undergoing all this pain for getting selected in SBI!!!!!!!!!!!, somewhere in that thought process of taking decision to apply for SBI lies the answer for all doubts you or anyone else may have. Search yourself. Happy thoughts.
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    There are people who took pain of applying for SBI, studied after office hours, traveled 100s of KM to appear in exam then again traveled for interview and in all probability kept praying for getting selected during all this painful process, and now the claim there current company is sooooooooo good than SBI and what a hell hole SBI is. LOL! Please guys don't waste a seat which might have been offered to some other needy person.
  21. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I had no plans to apply for SBI and to be honest i applied it on last day and appeared just like that. I cant help myself if I got selected. Right now I am not in adobe and working in Symentec Pune. I wont lie but I was really happy that I cleared a government exam in first attempt, being from a banking family I always had this dream of becoming one. That was all it is to SBI for me. Now talking about the TCS. Let me tell you TCS guys will be doing most of the important work for SBI. and Assistant manager will be just approving thier request to check in the code. Sounds like interesting job to me. Assistant managers job is to just delegates all work to TCS, all intersting stuff is carried out by them. I am not talking out of my imagination. Its all fact. You know what is interesting for assistant managers? claiming hotel bills/night shift or morning shift allowances. you get the drift...
  22. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hey..pls don't join if u r really not interested...I know lots of friends who missed the final selection by .5 or 1 marks and disheartened by it....Atleast those who desperately want this job might get this opportunity if a waiting list is there!!!!
  23. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Plse let me know about overall and sectional cutoff marks... This will help for next so exam preparation.. Thanks
  24. Guest

    Guest Guest

    here is the actual screenshot of the result. Cutoff for sbi specialist officer 2015-16

    written held on Jan 17 2016
  25. Guest

    Guest Guest

    that's my friend score, he sent me on whatsapp. my score is 67+24=91
  26. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Nice score ya..belongs to general category?

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